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Rainbow Rug
世界初 レメディーを使ったじゅうたん
虹のじゅうたん  Rainbow Rug



   赤・アカネ  橙・アカネ+トウダイグサ  黄・トウダイグサ 

   青・インディゴ  緑・トウダイクサ+インディゴ  紫・黒人参

サイズ:120×85cm  厚み:約3cm 



Stock: Order made only

Location: Five factories in Turkey

Material: Sheep wool

Dye: Plants

    Red-Madder, Orange-Madder & Todai Sakura, Yellow-Todai cherry blossoms, Blue- Indigo Green-Todai Sakura & Indigo, Purple: Black carrots

Size: 120cm ×85cm Thickness: 3cm

Safety: All clear

Certificate of remedy is included

これまで看護師、看護教員、ホメオパス(自然療法士)として、こころとからだの健康によりそう仕事を続けてきました。ご縁のあった方々とのかけがえのない交流を通して、こころとからだの健康を支えているのは 「自己治癒力」にほかならないと気付きました。自己治癒力を自分自身が信じられたとき、あっという間に、あるいはゆっくりと、ときには奇跡的に生きるエネルギーを取り戻す姿を見てきました。

空を見上げればいつも太陽があり、私たちは光を受けて生かされています。 そんな当たり前のことを日々の暮らしで少しでも大切にできたら。私たちの体にある 「自己治癒力」という名の太陽が力を増して輝き始め、 「チャクラ」という名のパワースポットに美しい虹がかかるのだと想います。 体の太陽が陰ったり、体の虹が弱くなったとき、私たちがそれに気付き、 「なぜ」そうなったかを自分の体の中の名医(自己治癒力)たちと話し合い、するべきことを導き出す。 それをいつも肌を通して実感できるように、この「虹のじゅうたん」を作りました。

自然豊かなトルコの地で太陽の光、月や星の光を浴び、牧場でのびのびと育った羊たちの毛を草木染めで七色に染めました。七色はチャクラカラーを表し、チャクラの力を助ける7種類のレメディーを、それぞれの羊毛に24時間かけて染み込ませました。 世界で初めて誕生したレメディーを使ったじゅうたんです。

日本で同種療法と訳されるホメオパシーは、約200年前にドイツで生まれた自然療法です。 地球上に存在する様々な草花や木々、石や虫や菌たちは、そのひとつひとつが異なる個性(毒性)を持っています。 健康な人はその個性に触れると、場合によってはとても辛い症状を引き起こすことがあります。 ホメオパシーは、何らかの原因によって苦痛を抱えている方に、その苦痛に似た作用を起こす草花や石などを探し、その物質がなくなるほどに希釈震盪し(これをレメディーと呼びます)、 エネルギーの記憶として投与することで自己治癒力に働きかけ治癒に導く療法です。

As a nurse, a nursing instructor and homeopathy, I have always worked close to mental and physical health. Through my journey, I had chances to make relationships to irreplaceable people and realized that “self-healing capability” is the one maintaining our mental and physical health. After I was able to believe in self-healing capabilities, I saw people regaining energy to live in a short time or slowly, sometimes even amazingly.

If you look at the sky, the sun giving us lights for us to live. This maybe nothing special but if we can just treasure that and not take it for granted, we can use the power from the sun to awaken our self-healing capabilities. This self-healing begins from the power spots in our bodies called “chakras” which can radiate as a rainbow.

When our body lose energy or weaken, we (in the Self-healing field) will think of how and why this has happened and how Self-healing will guide us on what we should do. We use this rainbow carpet to be able to connect with this energy at any time.

Using wool from sheep raised on farms in Turkey. The farms are away from cities where sheep can saturated themselves with enough sunshine, moon light and star light. The wool is dyed with grass and wood in 7 colors which represents for the 7 chakras. Each wool were soak in 7 kinds of remedies for 24 hours which power each chakra. This is the very first rug made using remedies in the world.

Homeopathy which is translates as Similimum in Japanese is first used in Germany over 200 years ago. The glass, flower, stone, insect and bacteria used have different characters (poison). If a healthy person come in contact with them, that person may feel bad or sick. However, someone who is suffering from an illness takes a remedy made from these grass or flowers causes an opposite effect, the remedy feed energy to the memory works on self-healing capability. (Fight poison with poison) 

Chakra and Remedy





Seven colors used in the rug dyes are vivid colored plants.

The seven colors represents chakras, and the wool is soaked in remedies that support

each corresponding chakra. This rainbow rug will comfort the body.

赤  Red



The madder red is the color of the first chakra. It is a similar color to mother’s womb which gives warmness and relaxing sensation that you cannot explain. No matter what kind of day you had, it will wrap you kindly. The first chakra is beings working after you are born to this world. It will connect your body and the earth so that you can receive the energy from the ground, making the foundation of survival.

The wool is dyed with remedy called Obsidian which helps the first chakra. This will support your unsettled feeling and purify your body.


トウダイグサで染めた黄色は第3チャクラの色です。第3チャクラのテーマは自尊心。自分の感じ方や好奇心、様々な自己決定に関して、自分らしさが生かされることはとても大切なことです。生きること、楽しむことを否定せず、ありのままを認め受け入れる生き方は、 自分の世界を表現する勇気にと幸せに、繋がっていくことでしょう。

この第3チャクラを助ける ルビーのレメディーを黄色の羊毛に染み込ませました。抑圧した感情の解放を助け、どんな自分も認めて大切に慈しむことができるように支えます。

The yellow color dyed with Todaisakura flowers is a color of the third chakra. It is associated with self-esteem. It is essential to live with self-assurance in relation to personal identities, curiosity, and self-determination. Accepting as they are will connect to the happiness and courage to express ourselves to the world.

The wool is soaked in ruby remedy. It helps to release suppressed feeling and gives acceptance and cherish who you are.




The color dyed with Indigo flowers is the color of the fifth chakra. It is located in the throat which connects with our voice. The voice of kindness heals the heart and body. Being honest with your feeling and expressing that with your own words to the world, it will open and enjoy your possibilities.

You cannot measure the value of the voice of love.

Turquoise also helps the fifth. It will release the words that are kept inside and helps with expressing oneself by gaining confidence and kindness with your voice.





The orange color represents the second chakra dyed with Todai Sakura and madder. From ancient time, it is said that the second chakra is connected to Tanden which is about 5cm (3 inches) below the navel associated with life energy. The Tanden is an important spot for human to learn of existence by living with the flesh and to make warm and trusted relationship with other people.

The wool is soaked with tiger-eye remedy helps with restoring confidence and sense of security which will restore the Tanden`s vitality.




The green dyed with Todaisakura and indigo flowers is the color of fourth chakra. It is also called chakra of the heart, the theme of this chakra is acceptance, love as you are and others and forgiveness. Connecting hearts will make your life harmonious and joyful.

The Rose rock remedy is soaked into the wool. It softens and heal the harden heart from fear of not being loved, and also support to open your heart to connect with others and nature.




The color of 6th chakra dyed with Indigo flowers. It means sense of wonder “accessing to mystical state and illumination.” It connect with perceptional world. It connects us with a different way of seeing and perceiving. When you are able to make decisions with your instincts not only relaying on your thoughts, it will you take you to the new stage of the world.

The wool is soaked with lapis lazuli remedy. It will give you courage to trust your instincts and leads to making ones taking action.




The color purple dyed with wild carrots is the color of 7th chakra. It may be the absolute purpose of life to appreciate to be alive feeling connected to energy of universe and balancing with nature. The 7th chakra is endowed with knowledge of God’s will and accomplish that with love. When we are filled with love, the world move towards peace, and even death will become the importance lesson to teach us the love.

The wool is soaked in these rainbow of remedies. All seven chakra will be activated and help with the energy flow and growth of your soul.

Gift from Turkey







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Rainbow Crpet Life
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